

Want to check out my adventures in Raw Food?

I did a 2 week Raw Culinary Arts program.  During the program, I was also 100% raw, and felt AMAZING!!   For more info check out  Rose is always offering new courses!!

Day #1  Banana Lemon Pie (my fav), Kelp noodles with Pasta, Carrot Soup

Day #2 Green Smoothie, Beet Soup, Brownies and Raw Energy Balls

Day #3 Fresh Almond Milk, Oatmeal with fresh fruit,  Amazing Avocados, Zucchini Noodles with Marinara & Apple Pie

After this point, I didn't post day by day, but just random things all together! 

Dragon Fruit Recipe  -RawBQ - sunburgers, better than mayo, jiccima fries, pineapple pie, Simply Raw Video Clip - Reversing Diabetes in 30 days!

Chocolate Fondue - FOR BREAKFAST!  Nori Rolls, Ginger, Sweet and Sour Sauce, Garden Veggie Soup with Brazil Nut Cheese, Lemon Avocado Pudding

A few recipes!  Banana Lemon Pie recipe & Zucchini Hummus

Life After Raw... The tricky journey of getting back to regular life after 2 weeks of 100% Rawness!

Looking for more pictures/links for my Raw Foods course?  Check out my facebook pictures for more info. 

Thanks for reading!!

1 comment:

  1. I would love to go raw for a little bit when I'm older, it sounds like an amazing expierence!


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