
So who is Betty?

So who is Betty anyways?

Well... first off...  My name is actually Jessica!!  Betty was a nickname from high school and the dairy free part comes from my dairy free lifestyle!!  

I'm a happily married gal with a sweet baby boy born in February 2013. Besides blogging ~ I run a home based business which allows me to be a stay at home mom!  We live in a great little community on the West Coast of British Columbia, Canada.

How Dairy Free Betty came to be;

I started blogging after being laid off to from a job I truly loved (working with high risk youth!) and was looking for a hobby to keep me occupied during my new found downtime.  I had just been told I had a dairy allergy and I had spent many hours looking for dairy free blogs and resources to help me on this new dairy free adventure.  When I began blogging in 2009, there was not that much out there to help guide me down this path.  I have since taken a bunch of time off, but am hoping to get back to it this Spring (2015) bringing you awesome new recipes, guides to dairy free living and hopefully some fabulous photography! 

What I love about blogging;

I love having a blog, as I have made some fantastic connections with amazing people all over the globe!  Also my blog has inspired me to create some pretty awesome dairy free foods!

Please check out my favorite blogging friends on my blog friends page

What to Expect from Dairy Free Betty

I am just a casual gal with no formal writing experience!  I write because I love it... and I enjoy trying to support others dairy free people. I should note... my photography is a work in progress and I use a lot of exclamation points!  Hope you can cut me some slack! :) 

Besides being dairy free - I have no labels when it comes to eating.  I go through phases of plant based, to stuffing my face with chicken wings! I'm truly all over the place - but I love good food and most of the time it's pretty healthy!  With having a 2 year old, I want to instill a love of cooking and eating healthy food - so I try to lead by example!  I also don't have hours to spend in the kitchen and prefer simple recipes with easy to find ingredients! 

I love being able to help people who are trying to figure out their way through living dairy free.  Please always feel free to contact me through facebook, email (blog name at hotmail dot com)or the comment section. I usually get back to people as soon as possible and am always willing to help! 

Thanks for reading, I truly love each and everyone one of my readers, without your support, this blog wouldn't exist!



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