Hi guys!
So as mentioned on my facebook page – I have been hitting home runs with a few products lately! All dairy free of course – so I thought I would share my findings (and maybe save you some hard earned $$ in the process).
I got most of these products at the health food store – and while many of them are “organic” I didn’t spend much $$ on them. I find the health food store very reasonable, and I keep up with their monthly sales as well, which they deeply discount many things. Please note – I paid for all these products with my own money – and it’s all my own opinion (as always).
First off – I finally found and tried daiya wedges!

I tried the Jack flavor and it was incredible – melt in your mouth dreamy. Huge fan – unfortunately, like the shreds, my stomach doesn’t approve. I know many other people don’t have problems with them though, so it must be my sensitive tummy’s problem! I wish I could eat it though, as it would change a dairy free person’s life!
Next up Amande Yougerts (vanilla specifically)

This stuff is SO good!! I’ve been loving it mixed with dried fruits & seeds and also on top of homemade waffles (my favourite recipe) with a little blueberry syrup! (sorry for the bad iphone photos)

A few of you have mentioned you’ve tried it and not enjoyed it? Give the vanilla try I think you’ll enjoy.
Up next…
Matcha Pumpkin Seeds – I got them from Courtney at the Tea Center – but you can usually find them at any Asian Food store! So good! I’m a huge fan of matcha – and these just sounded too good!
Kamut Puffs by Natures Path.

I have loved these forever. They are super cheap (around $2-$3 per bag) and are a 1 ingredient cereal! I love them in yogurt, as a cereal with banana, some almond milk and a drizzle of maple syrup!
My health food store has had these on sale all summer – 2 for $5 – which is cheaper than buying the plain ones at the grocery store. They are crispy and have better nutritional value that regular rice cakes!

This is awesome - I don’t know about you but I very rarely use up a whole can of coconut milk. This stuff is awesome – all you do is add a bit of water and you have as much coconut milk as needed! WAY cheaper than buying it in the cans as well! Plus you can add a teaspoon or so too a smoothy for a coconut milk flavor!

I have been loving quinoa all summer – cook it up, add some fresh veggies, a few fresh herbs, salt and lemon juice and you have yourself an awesome meal! This bag is from Costco – and by far the cheapest way to purchase quinoa! (plus it’s organic and pre-rinsed!)

and now…
While I said that everything I purchase is cheap – these are an exception. I stopped by our health food stores demo at a recent fair and they were handing these babies out… I fell in love – especially with the green one. Anyways they are about $2.50 each and pretty small – but they taste awesome. I just watch for sales and get them for around $2.00 (Please note a few of them do have dairy in them, please read the ingredient list before purchasing)

Another great Costco purchase!
Who doesn’t LOVE guac? This comes with 4 little packages, and you can freeze them! I usually keep one out and freeze the rest – just run it under cold water until thawed… perfect for last minute visitors or a last minute taco party!

Never have I ever met a “tofu dog” that I liked… until a few weeks ago when the hubby was craving hot dogs and we stopped by a hot dog stand – this is what I got! To me – they taste like regular hot dogs more or less but aren’t filled with wacky ingredients! They are packed full of 9g protein per dog and come in at 60 calories each! While they don’t roast like regular dogs, they are perfect if you are a boiled/steamed hot dog gal like myself!

Lastly, a product I’ve been meaning to talk about forever. Please note – I did receive a free sample about 1 year ago from this company, however, I have purchased this product since many many times, as well as referred many friends to it. While it’s not food – it’s pretty awesome.

I don’t know about you – but stress gets to the best of us. I tend to get really nervous/stressed/anxious when travelling, or before presentations or even going to the doctors. These have totally 100% helped with those problems. After over a year of using this product when needed = I’m still a firm believer in it. It also helps when you can’t sleep at night! I want to do a more in depth post on it one day – please let me know if you are interested in more information!
Again 100% my opinion on this and all these products!
Hope you enjoyed this post! It’s been awhile, but I thought I’d let you in on what I’ve been loving lately!
How about you – what have you been loving?
I promise to do a post very soon with non – iphone pictures!
Much love,