Hello blog land!! Another guest post for you all! I hope you enjoy this delicious sounding ice cream recipe!! This will be my last guest blog post for awhile, so I hope everyone enjoys!
Hello, my name is Amber, and I’m the author of The Tasty Alternative . I’m thrilled to be guest posting today on Dairy Free Betty! The dairy free community is close to my heart, and I admire Jessica’s dedication to health, dairy-free information, and cuisine. Thank you Jessica for your beautiful blog and health-full recipes.
Eight years ago was I diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease. You can read more about my health and healing journey here. I was young and very scared, but absolutely determined to heal and live a positive quality of life. In doing this, I began healing holistically and immediately changed my diet (gave up dairy, wheat, cane-sugar, and soy). I’ve learned a great deal of information along the way and while I was lenient with some foods, I’ve been 100% dairy free since 2004. It’s completely possible, and totally worth it. My greatest accomplishment from this lifestyle is learning how to create delicious alternative recipes. I’m a foodie and determined to make awesome food that both tastes great and heals.
When I gave up dairy, I mourned the loss of ice cream. Anyone with me on this?! As you might have noticed, we’ve come a long way just in the last ten years in the alternative ice cream department! When I went dairy free, soy ice cream was the dominant alternative (that and rice ice cream). Now, coconut milk dominates the field, and I can’t tell you how happy this makes me. Coconut milk is a wonderfully healing food, and I have to say, with complete and utter honesty, it makes the most delicious ice cream. And did you know that it’s ridiculously easy to make? I use coconut milk as the base to all my ice creams (but you could also use a nut-milk based ice cream, I have several homemade nut-milk recipe son my blog). So with summer right around the corner, I wanted to share one of my favorite ice cream recipes with you today. My chocoholic husband goes insane for this recipe. If you haven’t tried making your own dairy free ice cream, please do give it a try. An ice cream maker isn’t necessary, but oh so worth it. See notes below.
Delightful Double Chocolate Coffee Ice Cream

-2 cans coconut milk (this brand has BPA free lining)
-1/4 cup raw cacao
-1/3 cup grade B maple syrup
-1 tablespoon vanilla extract
-1 teaspoons coffee flavor
-1/2 cup shaved chocolate bar (this is my favorite chocolate, only sweetened with beet sugar, it does contain soy lecithin)
How To
1. Mix above ingredients in a blender, high speed or otherwise.
2. Transfer to ice cream maker and churn
3. Just before you remove mixture from ice cream maker, add in your chocolate shavings, and churn for about 30 seconds
4. Transfer to glass storage and freeze at least 4 hours
6. Remove from freezer 20 minutes before serving
7. Garnish with additional chocolate shavings, shredded coconut, or coffee beans. Serves 6-8
*An ice cream maker aerates the mixture, creating a lovely creamy traditional texture. You could just blend then transfer to glass storage and freeze, but it gets icy and doesn’t mimic traditional ice cream. If you’re in the market for an ice cream maker, I LOVE this one.
Other dairy & cane-sugar free ice cream recipes from The Tasty Alternative
-Chocolate Pumpkin Ice Cream
-Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
-Pink Peppermint Ice Cream
-Strawberry Almond Ice Cream
Amber Husten is author of the alternative foods blog, The Tasty Alternative (TTA), which launched August 17, 2011. The Tasty Alternative features posts related to alternative cuisine, holistic healing, organic gardening, green living and organization. All recipes found on TTA are dairy free, gluten free, cane-sugar free, and peanut free, with an emphasis on allergy-free cooking with the omission of eggs, corn, and soy. Amber includes a special focus on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD), with recipes free of grains, starches and sugars (expect honey), and provides additional information on Crohn's disease and eczema. Amber is also one of the seven hostesses of the weekly bog hop, Allergy-Free Wednesdays.