
Monday, February 7, 2011

Dessert Hummus

Dessert Hummus… would you believe me if I said it was amazing?


Even if the picture wasn’t that good? ( I was too interested in eating it, than making it look pretty)


This involves – chickpeas, maple syrup, peanut butter, vanilla and chocolate chips.


I can’t personally give you the recipe for this though, as unfortunately this brilliance was not thought up myself!  Go visit Evan for the recipe, he is one brilliant guy,  and he also has a recipe for Snickerdoodle Hummus too!

I think I might play around with this amazingness and see what other flavors I can come up with!


Jessica signature

ps.  if your wondering why you are getting so many posts this week, I did them all in one day to keep you all entertained before I left!!  I wrote you all into my wedding to do list!! hehe Smile


  1. Yaaaaaaaay! I'm so glad you made the hummus... it's such a TREAT!

  2. Yay! So glad you loved the hummus :-)

  3. Heading right over to Evan's post to "steal" this recipe...I was just thinking of making some hummus-I could always use a new recipe!!!

  4. That sounds so weird! Was it tasty? Never heard of a dessert hummus before.

  5. It is hard to believe that it would be good, but I am intrigued and I believe you!!! I am bookmarking it, because this is something I HAVE to try :-)

  6. Sweet Jess..I have yet to try this out.

  7. Dessert hummus?? What genius. Going over there now to check it out.

  8. i've been intrigued for a while since evan first posted - i must make this!


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