
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Dairy Free Holiday Treats!

If you have been following my blog since last Christmas, you might remember my peanut butter cups?   One of my Christmas staples!!


Here is my OUR BIG EARTH December article!!  Check it out there are tasty treats on there;

Peanut Butter Cups

Marshmallow Snowflakes

Chai Spiced Candied Nuts

Fruit/Nut Bark!!


ps. I’m SO grateful I got to continue on with these guys, I was worried I wouldn’t have the time, but I am enjoying creating recipes!  Wait until my January one, I think it’s my favorite recipe yet!!


Also, I got a good note from CHAR’s KITCHEN on my facebook page.

Costco sells 10lb boxes of dairy free chocolate chips for about $20.00!!  Imagine a house full of 10lbs of chocolate – the possibilities are limit less!!

Also from a suggestion from a few blogger friends – add some nutritional yeast to your peanut butter mixture – and it makes it taste more Reece's Piecesish!


Just for the record – TOMORROW IS MY LAST DAY OF CLASSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!  Then 2 exams and I am done for a few weeks, I can’t believe it’s 1/2 way done!

Thank you for sticking with me… even though I barely write anymore!!  I have 2 beautiful weeks off, and I plan to do lots of cooking and photos!!! Smile 


I have a fun giveaway coming up soonish… just testing out the product before I give them (10-15 of them) away!!   I’ll give you a hint… it has something to do with…



Ciao for now lovelies!

Red heart Jess


  1. marshmallow snowflakes!?! Too cute! Happy last day of class!

  2. I love the holiday look of your blog :)

    Also, you might want to stop my blog when you have a minute (after exams?) - I have a recipe for a vegan soy-free parfait on my blog today :) It is also gluten-free, though I don't think gluten is a problem for you.

  3. I'm trying to transition more to a dairy free lifestyle! It is challenging but I love blogs to follow who provide awesome recipes! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Good luck with school!!

    That is a lot of chocolate chips ; ) I could think of many things to make with them!

  5. best of luck with your exams! I have 4 more left, tomorrow is my first. I didn't know Costco sells dairy-free chocolate chips! That is sells everything.

  6. I am done for the semester and it feels good! I hope your finals go well!!


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