
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Healthy Living Blog!

Knock knock… anyone out there?

It’s so quiet in blog land lately.   Hopefully everyone is out enjoying the last few weeks of summer *tear*…  I love blue sky… DSC_1984 It has been SMOKIN hot here.  People only seem to be leaving their houses if it’s to head out to the lake, or somewhere air conditioned! 


Anyways, there is something exciting going on in the blogging world!

Lindsey from Sound Eats (and a few other partners in crime) have created a HEALTHY LIVING BLOG page. 

image It has lists of a whole bunch of healthy living blogs from all over, plus you can search out bloggers in your area!!

If you have a blog, be sure to send her an email to become part of the fun!!

It’s such an awesome resource!!  Thank you Lindsey for creating this!!


That’s all from me folks.  I’m still trying to get better…  I did too much this morning, and now am back to the couch…

that being said.  I created a yummy kale chip recipe that I’ll share very soon!! :)




  1. woo! Thanks for sharing! Can't wait for the kale chip recipe - I LOVE kale chips!! :D

  2. Thanks for the info about that page! I am heading over there now :-)

  3. I have been looking for a good Kale Chip recipe. I have a ton that is ready in the garden. Can't wait to see it!

  4. Love couch time! Exactly where I am right now! Hey good idea with the healthy living blog resource. Thanks for pointing it out!

  5. Oooh! Please do share that recipe! I love summers but when it gets too hot, I want it to be a lot cooler. But it's cold weather once again, and somehow I wish the weather would just stay balanced. Sigh!

  6. love, love, LOVE kale chips! Please share :)

    Ahhh I am loving this heat we were having and today was a tad chilly for me. But I will take the sunshine any day!

    I hope you are well?


  7. Thanks for the Healthy Living link, heading there now to have a look. Feel better!


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