Sunday, March 7, 2010

Death by chicken wings…

Dear Chicken Wings…

I was so excited to meet friends on Friday night after ZUMBA class for wings!   My mouth was watering when you were put in front of me!  Salt and Pepper and Buffalo, oh I sing your praises for being oh so delicious.   But “Buffalo” wings, you regret to tell me that “buffalo” means hot sauce and butter (which I only found out today).  When I woke up at 3:00am that night after, I was reminded how much my body doesn’t like you butter.   


Chicken Wings, as much as I love you, I don’t love you enough to have spent my entire Saturday sick on the couch (when it was sunny and warm out) nor was I impressed when you made me miss about my friends party on Saturday.  Buffalo chicken wings, I believe our love affair is over… lesson learned!

Ok… so as you can tell… my weekend hasn’t been fun!  But I thought I might write a post on what to do when I’m not feeling so hot…  This is my protocol… 


First off… take detox drops and probiotics…


Next eat very plain food… white rice is my easiest!


Drink some juice


and some tea/water


and lie on the couch watching endless hours of tv… while everyone else is enjoying the beautiful day outside…


Order in very plain no cheese veggie pizza for dinner (sorry no picture) and sweet talk the hubby to be to watch New Moon with me.  (Which just for the record was the 2nd worst movie I have ever seen, over Twilight)

I hope your weekend was much better than this!

Good news we made some official wedding decisions this weekend, maybe I’ll tell ya tomorrow!

What do you do when you are not feeling good?

Jess (who promises to write a more fun/upbeat post tomorrow!)


  1. Hope you feel better! Stomach/food sickness is the worst...but glad you got a handle on it! I had that once with chicken pot pie and I haven't gone back to it yet and it's been years. yuck!

  2. Awe thats awful that you were so sick! I hope you are feeling better!

  3. Hope you feel better girly!!! I can't eat spicy stuff at all.

    Have a fabulous night!!!

  4. Give me ANYTHING but feeling sick to my tummy!

    When I have tummy issues Ginger Tea always seems to help, I also drink HUGE amounts of Green Tea.

  5. Everyone is getting sick this week. Bummer! I usually eat rice and olive oil or butter mixed in and sip on juice as well or even sprite and rice cakes. Blah!! Feel better soon.

  6. Uuughh, that's no fun at all! Sorry you had to deal with that. Hope all is well now though :-)

  7. Ugg - I am so sorry, Jess! =( I hope your entire weekend wasn't ruined!

  8. oh feel better honey and thanks for the those contest entries and the Catch!!! you rock!

  9. OH, I'm so sorry you had such a rough time. Made all the worse because it was nice outside.

    I hope you are feeling better!

  10. Feel better! I make my own wings now that have to be gluten and dairy free. My stomach thanks me later.

  11. An upset stomach is the worst...ugh. Hope you're feeling all better :)

  12. Oh no! Butter does the same thing to me! I hope your tummy is getting back to normal by now!

  13. oh no! That's no fun, my stomach can be pretty sensitive to all that kind of food too :( hope you're feeling better. I'm a big fan of mint tea to help with tummy troubles.

  14. Glad to hear you're feeling better! I'm a big fan of ginger and peppermint tea when I'm not feeling well... They're both good for the stomach and for the mucus glands.

    I hate when you eat ONE THING and it makes you die!!


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