Monday, February 22, 2010

More questions answered…

Well hello!!

I don’t have any exciting food posts for today, as I have been still eating the leftovers from the Japanese Party the other night!   It’s been sushi, sushi and more sushi!

Then I was super tired and not feeling so hot last night, so I curled up in bed and watched movies all night!

This gives me a chance to answer the last of my “Ask me anything” questions!

Do you like cats?

Yes! I had a roommate once that had about 4… I was a chat disliker until I moved in there – but they were so sweet and I feel in love.  Not sure if I will ever have one again, but who knows!

What's your middle name?

Cori -    Dave always bugs me about my “80’s” middle name but I love it!

Do you have a favourite recipe?

Wow… tough question.  I have so many.   My go to recipe when I want something yummy is definitely my Red Thai Curry.  I love most food though it does change daily!


You're throwing a blogger party. Who do you invite? Why?

Oh… fun question!  I would invite all my blogger friends, funny thing is, I haven’t met a blogger that I don’t like!   A few have different views on things than myself, but honestly the world doesn’t turn without different/differing views on things!  So why not just have a HUGE party with everyone!  (can you imagine all the cameras that would be there!! haha)

Thanks for all the questions!  It was fun!

You might notice that I have changed my comment page up a little… I was getting a few really annoying anonymous comments.  

A bunch about how I could make my writing more interesting, and how “they” can’t believe I have readers since I am so boring and ugly!   Thank you, thank you very much!!  If you want to post a comment like that, show your name!!

For anyone that doesn’t have a blog, that wants to comment – you can just click  OPEN ID – and type in your name!! 

Any big plans for this week??

xo Jess


  1. WOW! I can't believe you got those comments. I was just talking to my fiance yesterday about how bloggers have been getting mean comments lately and I can't believe people have so much time and are so mean to just go around writing mean things. AND THEY ARE ADULTS!

    Anyway, I love your answers. I want to come to the all blogger party!

  2. I don't understand WHY people leave random, rude, anonymous comments on other people's blogs. Especially ones like that. If they don't like your blog for WHATEVER reason, they simply shouldn't waste their own time by coming on here and reading it!
    Plus, you're gorgeous and not-boring, so who cares! LOL :)

  3. How annoying! But for every one bad stupid comment there are alot of very meaningful ones. I live for comments, they make me smile and believe that I have people on my side, and you need to do that to.

    Love your blog just want you to know that!

    oh and like the new layout, it looks great!

  4. hey!
    just came across your blog and i really enjoy reading it!
    i would love it if you could come over and checkc out my blog and follow :)

  5. Ah yes, the stupid troll. Well you can consider yourself initiated now! I would be willing to be a zillion dollars that it is the same jackass that attacked a few of us a couple of months back.

    (FYI: I also think it's the same person that was watching us on Twitter Friday night and asking us all the same formspring questions.)


  6. That is just pathetic that people would post comments like that ... they need to get lives.

  7. Wow some people are so immature. What impels some people to be rude and ignorant is beyond me. Anyway I love your blog. And a tutorial on your rawkstar nails... Yes Please!!!

  8. Cori and 80s' = LOL It's cute, i love it!

    the For anyone that doesn’t have a blog, that wants to comment – you can just click OPEN ID – and type in your name!!
    I get this all the time too. Thanks for saying it!

    And the red thai curry recipe..thanks for the linkageback. yum!

  9. The all blogger party would be amazing! All I can say about all of those cameras is at least none of us use a flash! We'd all be blind at the end of the evening!

  10. Love the name Cori, very cute! And love learning more about you :) Red thai curry sounds amazing! Love curry!
    Pure2Raw Twins

  11. Actually, the open ID thing doesn't really need to allow anonymous commenters, so that they can just leave their least, it doesn't work for me so I can't sign in with my own domain...

    Anyway. I thought the blogger party question was a really cool one! I haven't met a blogger I didn't like, either!

  12. I love your middle name! So cute!

    Sorry about the mean comments-- why would people actually take time to write those?! At least it seems like there are more nice commenters than mean ones. ;)


Thank you so much for your support! I love comments!

Another option is to leave a comment here!

Have a great day!


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