I got this great New Years Resolution
from Janna at Just Flourishing,
I thought it was a fantastic way to make resolutions without making the ones that I always fail to execute!!
Are you good at keeping your resolutions?
One thing I will learn: Well I’m going back to school, so hopefully LOTS!!
One place I will go: No big travel plans here this year!
One habit I will break: Being lazy in the morning, must do a workout 5/7 days of the week, even if it’s just 20 min.
One habit I will cultivate: Good study habits!! I wish!
One work habit I will change: Procrastination… I know it’s going to happen the second I start school!
One thing I’ll eat more often: Green monsters and veggies.
One thing I’ll eat less: Red Meat and sweets!
One thing I’ll drink more: Water and GM of course.
One thing I’ll drink less: I don’t drink much booze, or anything overly bad, so I’ll say nothing!
One person I’ll treat more respectfully: Myself, sometimes I just don’t treat myself the way I should!
One thing I’ll spend less money on: Starbucks – let’s be honest, I enjoy it, but I can make most stuff at home myself.
One thing I’ll spend less time doing: Reading blogs I am not really interested in! I spend about 3 hours per day in the blog world, there are quite a few I love, and some that don’t overly interest me, yet I read them!!
And a thing I’ll spend more time doing: Spending good quality time with Dave and Lance! We have decided to eat dinner at the dinning room table (we never do this unless we have guests!!)
My last one should be easy!
I want to get out of the “overweight” category on my Wii!!
Sounds silly, but I hate that I am there!
What are your resolutions this year?
Well I am off to prep for our friends that are coming over tonight, we’re just doing a sushi and board games night!
Hope your New Years is full of lots of great things,

Hope you have a safe and happy new years!